Mastering Cornhole: Rules, Distance, Scoring, and Expert Tips


Cornhole Rules, Distance, Scoring and Tips

Cornhole, also known as bean bag toss, it is loved backyard game that has popularity at social gatherings, parties, and even in competitive leagues. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a novice looking to join in the fun, understanding the cornhole rules, the right throwing distance, scoring, and some expert tips can make all the difference in your game. In this guide we’ll tell you everything you need to know to become a cornhole champion.

Cornhole Rules, Distance, Scoring and Tips

Cornhole Rules

Before diving into the specifics of distance, scoring, and tips, let’s start with the basic rules of cornhole:

  1. Equipment: A cornhole game consists of two inclined boards with a hole in each, and eight corn-filled bags (four for each team).
  2. Setup: The boards should be placed 27 feet apart from the front edge of each board. Each team takes one board, and players stand on opposite sides.
  3. Objective: The objective is to toss your bags through the hole or land them on the board while preventing your opponent from doing the same. The game is typically played to 21 points.
  4. Scoring: A bag that goes through the hole earns three points, while one that lands on the board but doesn’t go through the hole is worth one point. The opposing team can cancel out points by matching or exceeding the points scored in a round.
  5. Turns: Teams take alternating turns, throwing all four of their bags during a round. The game continues until a team reaches or exceeds 21 points.
  6. Winning: The first team to reach 21 points or more wins, but they must win by at least two points.

Throwing Distance

The regulation cornhole throwing distance is 27 feet between the front edges of the boards. This distance can be marked with a designated throwing line or measured from the front of one board to the front of the other. It’s important to ensure a consistent and fair playing field for all players. For beginners, it’s a good idea to start with a shorter distance and gradually work your way up to the regulation distance as your skills improve.

Scoring in Cornhole

Understanding how scoring works is crucial for success in cornhole. Here are some scoring tips to keep in mind:

  1. Aim for the Hole: While landing bags on the board can earn you points, the real goal is to get them through the hole for a higher score.
  2. Block Your Opponent: Try to strategically place your bags to block your opponent’s path to the hole. This can prevent them from scoring points.
  3. Consistency is Key: Practice your throwing technique to ensure consistent results. The more you practice, the better you’ll become at landing bags where you want them.
  4. Pay Attention to Your Opponent’s Moves: Be mindful of your opponent’s scoring opportunities and try to counteract them with your throws.

Expert Tips for Cornhole Success

To take your cornhole game to the next level, consider these expert tips:

  1. Master Your Grip: Develop a comfortable and consistent grip on the bags. This will give you better control over your throws.
  2. Work on Your Stance: Your stance and body position are crucial. Stand with your dominant foot forward and your body slightly angled towards the board.
  3. Practice Regularly: Like any skill, cornhole improves with practice. Spend time honing your throws and working on your aim.
  4. Stay Calm Under Pressure: Cornhole can be a competitive game. Practice staying calm and focused, especially in high-pressure situations.
  5. Play Strategically: Think ahead and plan your moves. Try to anticipate your opponent’s strategy and adjust accordingly.


Cornhole is fun backyard game it’s a sport that requires skill, strategy, and practice. By understanding the rules, perfecting your throwing distance, grasping scoring nuances, and incorporating expert tips, you are on way to becoming a cornhole champion. So gather your bags, set up your boards, and start honing your cornhole skills today! Click here to read more amazing article