Tim Conway – Age, Bio, Birthday, Family, Net Worth


Tim Conway - Age, Bio, Birthday, Family, Net Worth

Tim Conway was a beloved American comedian and actor whose career spanned several decades. Known for his impeccable comedic timing and infectious humor, Conway left an indelible mark on the world of entertainment. In this article, we will delve into the life and career of Tim Conway, exploring his age, bio, birthday, family, and net worth.

Tim Conway’s Early Life

Born on December 15, 1933, in Willoughby, Ohio, Tim Conway’s full name was Thomas Daniel Conway. He was the son of Sophia Murgo and Daniel Conway. Tim’s father worked as a groomer in a horse stable, and his mother worked in a hospital. Growing up in a modest household, Tim developed a strong work ethic and a deep appreciation for humor from a young age.

Tim Conway - Age, Bio, Birthday, Family, Net Worth

The Road to Comedy

Tim Conway’s journey into the world of comedy began when he served in the United States Army. He worked as a technician on the Armed Forces Network, where he started developing his comedy skills. After leaving the army, he pursued a career in broadcasting, which eventually led him to Cleveland television, where he began to gain recognition for his comedic talents.

The Carol Burnett Show

Tim Conway’s big break came when he joined “The Carol Burnett Show” in 1966. His role on the show catapulted him to stardom. Conway was known for his versatility and his ability to make his co-stars break into fits of laughter, often with improvised and ad-libbed moments that became iconic. His memorable characters, including Mr. Tudball and the Oldest Man, showcased his comedic genius.

Conway’s work on “The Carol Burnett Show” earned him several Emmy Awards and solidified his status as one of the funniest comedians of his generation. His chemistry with Carol Burnett and the rest of the cast endeared him to audiences across the nation.

Film and Television Career

In addition to his work on “The Carol Burnett Show,” Tim Conway appeared in various films and television shows. He lent his voice to several animated series and made guest appearances on popular shows like “30 Rock” and “Married… with Children.” His film credits include roles in movies such as “The Apple Dumpling Gang” and “The Shaggy D.A.”

Personal Life and Family

Tim Conway’s personal life was marked by love and family. He was married twice during his lifetime. His first marriage to Mary Anne Dalton in 1961 resulted in seven children. However, the couple divorced in 1978. In 1984, he married Charlene Fusco, and they remained together until his passing in 2019.

Conway’s family played a significant role in his life, and he often drew inspiration from his experiences as a father and husband for his comedic material. His ability to find humor in everyday situations endeared him to audiences of all ages.

Age and Legacy

Tim Conway passed away on May 14, 2019, at the age of 85. His death marked the end of an era in comedy, leaving behind a legacy of laughter and timeless humor. Despite the passing of years, his work on “The Carol Burnett Show” and his contributions to the world of comedy continue to be celebrated and cherished by fans old and new.

Net Worth

Tim Conway’s net worth at the time of his passing was estimated to be around $15 million. This substantial wealth was a testament to his successful career in entertainment. Throughout his life, Conway worked tirelessly to bring joy and laughter to people around the world, and his financial success was a reflection of his talent and dedication.


Tim Conway was a comedic genius whose age, bio, birthday, family, and net worth only scratch the surface of his remarkable life. From his humble beginnings in Ohio to his iconic role on “The Carol Burnett Show” and his enduring legacy in the world of comedy, Conway’s impact on the entertainment industry and the hearts of his fans cannot be overstated. His ability to find humor in the everyday and make people laugh will be remembered and cherished for generations to come. Tim Conway will forever be a beloved figure in the annals of comedy, a timeless source of laughter, and an inspiration to aspiring comedians everywhere.   Click here to read more amazing article