Ruby Rose Turner – Age, Bio, Birthday, Family, Net Worth


Ruby Rose Turner - Age, Bio, Birthday, Family, Net Worth

Ruby Rose Turner is a rising star in the entertainment industry who has captured the hearts of many with her incredible talent and charisma. Born on October 16, 2005, Ruby has quickly become a household name in the world of acting and dancing. In this article, we will delve into her age, bio, birthday, family, and net worth to provide you with a comprehensive overview of this young sensation’s life and career.

Ruby Rose Turner’s Age

As of September 2023, Ruby Rose Turner is 17 years old. She was born in the year 2005, making her one of the youngest and most promising talents in the entertainment industry. Despite her young age, Ruby has achieved remarkable success and continues to impress audiences with her skills and versatility.

Ruby Rose Turner - Age, Bio, Birthday, Family, Net Worth

Ruby Rose Turner’s Bio

Ruby Rose Turner’s bio is a testament to her dedication and passion for the arts. She hails from Los Angeles, California, which is often considered the epicenter of the entertainment world. From a very young age, Ruby showed a keen interest in dancing and acting, and her parents recognized her potential early on.

Ruby’s journey in the entertainment industry began when she started taking dance classes. Her natural talent and hard work led to her participating in various dance competitions, including the hit show “Dancing with the Stars: Juniors,” where she showcased her incredible dancing abilities.

Aside from dancing, Ruby Rose Turner has also made a name for herself in acting. She has appeared in several television series, with notable roles in shows like “Coop & Cami Ask the World” and “Fuller House.” Her acting prowess has earned her a dedicated fan base and critical acclaim.

Ruby Rose Turner’s Birthday

Ruby Rose Turner celebrates her birthday on October 16th. This date marks the beginning of another year in which she continues to achieve new milestones in her career. Fans from around the world eagerly await this day to send their best wishes to their favorite young star.

Ruby Rose Turner’s Family

Ruby Rose Turner’s family has been a significant source of support and encouragement throughout her journey in the entertainment industry. While her family’s privacy is respected, it’s known that Ruby has a close-knit family who has played a pivotal role in her success.

Additionally, Ruby has a younger brother named Alfie Turner, who has also shown an interest in the entertainment world. The siblings share a strong bond and are often seen supporting each other’s endeavors.

Ruby Rose Turner’s Net Worth

As of 2021, Ruby Rose Turner’s net worth was estimated to be around $1 million. However, it’s important to note that her career has continued to evolve, and her net worth may have increased significantly since then.

Ruby’s income comes from various sources, including her acting roles, dance performances, brand endorsements, and social media presence. She has collaborated with several prominent brands, further boosting her earnings. With her growing popularity and talent, it’s safe to assume that her net worth has seen a substantial increase in recent years.


In conclusion, Ruby Rose Turner is a young and immensely talented star who has captured the hearts of many with her dancing and acting abilities. At just 17 years old, she has achieved remarkable success in the entertainment industry and continues to be a role model for aspiring artists. Her journey, from a young dancer with a dream to a well-established actress and dancer, serves as an inspiration to all.

As Ruby Rose Turner celebrates another year of life on her birthday, her fans eagerly anticipate what the future holds for this bright and promising talent. With her dedication and passion, there’s no doubt that Ruby Rose Turner will continue to shine in the world of entertainment, and her net worth will likely continue to rise as she reaches new heights in her career. Click here to read more amazing article